Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why God?? Part 1

Why ? Why? Why??.............. 
If you don’t know something people say Google it!!  But Google doesn’t know and can’t tell us what is going to happen next? 

Asking ‘why’ questions is part of human nature. Why, why, why??  Frequently we ask the same question of ourselves, others, and many times of God (even those who don’t believe in the existence of God), especially when things are going wrong (from our point of view). Or when we see things happening in other peoples’ lives, the same question why is raised in our mind.

The ‘why’ questions usually come when we can’t see any answer or reason to the things happening in our life or other peoples’ lives both known to us and around this world. When the tsunami hit Japan and thousands died people asked the same question.  Why earthquakes? Why can’t God stop these things from happening? Why does God allow these things to happen or why does God do these things? If there is a God, why are these things happening?  I didn’t do anything wrong so why has this loss/hurt happened to me??

It could be the death of someone you loved, someone you are close to is terribly sick, a broken relationship with someone you care about, an accident, being caught in an incident for which you are not responsible, money loss, abuse… it could be anything that happened in your life.  If I were writing a list of all the why questions, this blog would be thousands of pages so you can fill the remaining space by asking the relevant why question connected to your life.

When finding the answers to the many questions that we have we will search for sources and resources. And in the end we may well end up with a conclusion which is close and compatible to our existing belief system. But sometimes when people find truth which is not compatible with their belief system this will encourage them to upgrade their belief system.  The whole of human history is in one way or another connected to asking questions. Occasionally people found the answer, but sometimes not so people tired of pursuing the answer; some got tired and stopped; some tried and failed; scientific inventions mostly came out of why questions; revolutions and wars arose from questioning the system or authority and so on.
 When we were growing we asked thousands of questions to our parents, and how much they struggled to answer our most serious questions (for others most silly!!) at that stage, like ‘Dad  ...where is God’? ‘Can you show me God?’ ‘Why can’t we have three eyes?’ ‘Why is that man’s nose so long?’  ‘How did I come to this earth?’ and ‘How was I born?’

We ask questions to people we think can answer our questions, like our friends, teachers, politicians, scientists, religious leaders. Everyone will try their best to answer your questions, some of them satisfactorily, and some of them not.  So we have a tendency to want to know the reason for everything. And we need an answer that explains everything clearly without any trace of doubt. But many times when we don’t get the answer that we want, this can make us upset or lead us to a stage of uncertainty or sadness, hopelessness, anger or frustration. Sometimes it can lead to a rebellious nature or end up with us making the sort of conclusion which is closer and compatible to our belief system.

I asked the same question to God many times in different circumstances such as: God, why did these things happen to me? God, why am I not liked by my friends? God, why didn’t I get admission into that college? God, why am I hurt by my friend? Why are people accusing me for things I never did?  Even after becoming a Christian I would wonder why I was sometimes struggling to overcome sin.  In the same meeting someone received healing while some people didn’t. Why??  Why do my parents not understand me?  Why did they cancel my meeting? When I failed to get a good score for English at university I asked God why? Where are your promises about using me in different nations?  After initially failing to get a visa to the UK, many ‘why’ questions came to my mind.

 Many times I got an answer, but most of the time I didn’t. When praying to God for an answer, sometimes I felt I didn’t have enough faith to believe and enough strength to even pray; some times He didn’t say anything but I felt peace in my spirit; some times nothing happened. I tried to find the answer from others, especially my mentors and the church leadership. They prayed for me, and at times God encouraged me through them, but at other times they weren’t able to give an answer which satisfied me.  However, when I look back after these circumstances I am so amazed by seeing God’s hand in each circumstance, but so often it’s our nature to be easily frustrated in little things even after seeing a big miracle just before. It’s like having seen a tremendous healing in someone else’s life, but struggling to believe in God’s healing power for your sore throat!! Or amazed by God’s provision to buy a house, but struggling to believe that you can afford some unexpected maintenances in your house.
Jesus, in Matthew 6:30-34, says:
Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
You can read another interesting situation which happened in Matthew 16:5 with the disciples worrying about bread when Jesus was with them, after seeing one of the amazing miracles of Jesus feeding 5000!! 

Ask God for the grace to believe and trust in Him in all circumstances, whether you feel it’s a good season or bad season. Let His word and His character mould our thought patterns and world view.
I really thank you for your encouragement and support. I am thankful to God my lovely wife for the effort of Editing my blogs.
Love to hear from you, don’t forget to leave your comment. If you are blessed please share
Much love..Blessan xx      

Continue in Why God part 2


Tw said...

Good stuff but very long which makes us not want to read coz its reallt long.
But anyways, good content. God bless!

binsurobinson said...

keep your articles short bro .. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks bro, I will try, may part 1 and Part 2!! or even Part 3

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