Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why God?? Part 1

Why ? Why? Why??.............. 
If you don’t know something people say Google it!!  But Google doesn’t know and can’t tell us what is going to happen next? 

Asking ‘why’ questions is part of human nature. Why, why, why??  Frequently we ask the same question of ourselves, others, and many times of God (even those who don’t believe in the existence of God), especially when things are going wrong (from our point of view). Or when we see things happening in other peoples’ lives, the same question why is raised in our mind.

The ‘why’ questions usually come when we can’t see any answer or reason to the things happening in our life or other peoples’ lives both known to us and around this world. When the tsunami hit Japan and thousands died people asked the same question.  Why earthquakes? Why can’t God stop these things from happening? Why does God allow these things to happen or why does God do these things? If there is a God, why are these things happening?  I didn’t do anything wrong so why has this loss/hurt happened to me??